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欧盟-转型亚洲:促进中国农村住宅可持续能源消费项目试点案例手册 Switch Asia RurEnergy Pilot Booklet



Switch Asia RurEnergy is dedicated to facilitating the widespread adoption of cost-effective sustainable energy consumption solutions for rural households. These solutions comprehensively enhance thermal efficiency and introduce sustainable renewable heating and cooking methods while fostering energy-efficient behaviors among households in Henan and Gansu Provinces.


本项目一个关键组成部分是在河南和甘肃两个省份的25个村庄系统地实施试点示范, 以促进可持续能源消费解决方案的应用。这本手册介绍了在这些示范试点中应用的六种典型技术解决方案。这些解决方案涵盖了能源改造、生物质集中和分散供暖以及热泵技术,主要为新建和既有两种农村居住建筑建筑类型服务。除了详细介绍这些技术外,我们还介绍了它们的经济效益、节能效果和碳减排效益等。

One pivotal component within RurEnergy is the systematic implementation of demonstration pilots across 25 villages in these provinces, aimed at catalyzing the adoption of sustainable energy consumption solutions. This booklet introduces six typical technology solutions deployed within these demonstration pilots, encompassing both new and existing rural family houses. These solutions span energy retrofits, biomass centralized and decentralized heating, and heat pumps. In addition to detailing the technologies, we also present their associated economic benefits, energy savings, and carbon emissions reductions.

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